
libwebring is a fully client-side JavaScript library that allows you to build webrings using a single JSON file and a static file host.

Quick links

How to build

npm install
npm run build

How to debug

npm run start
npm run start-docs

How to use

The example directory inside the source code of the library contains the most basic example of its usage. Bruh, Ltd Official Web Ring™ is a reference implementation of a webring using this library.

JSON webring specification

The file that describes the webring must be an RFC 8259-compliant JSON document.

The root element of the document must be an array with at least 2 members. The ring must be considered malformed if this is not the case. The first member should represent the website of the webring itself.

Each member of the root array must be an object that represents a member of the webring. The following fields are accepted:

  • url - RFC 3986-compliant URI that indicates the page of the website, on which the webring widget is located.
  • name - optional short description of the website. Should be assumed to be the same as the url when it is missing and needs to be presented to the user.
  • direction - optional indicator of the only allowed direction, in which this member can be approached from. Must be either "forward" or "backward".

When navigating from one member to the next, an implementation must skip the necessary number of members if their direction is set to backward. The same principle applies to direction being set to forward when navigating from one member to the previous.

A ring must be considered malformed if all of its members have their direction set to the same value, as such would render the ring unnavigable in one of the directions.


Zero-Clause BSD.

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